The Power of Brand Awareness: Proven Strategies for Success

By McKell Michaelson on September 11, 2024

Crowd of people in Times Square

Brand awareness is an increasingly important topic in the digital world. With so many companies vying for attention, it’s a challenge to make your brand stand out amongst the crowd. It’s often thought that brand awareness only applies to B2C (business to consumer) companies, but it is equally important for B2B (business to business). It’s not just about having a catchy logo or a clever tagline; it’s about creating a lasting impression that resonates with your audience. Brand awareness builds the foundation for all other marketing efforts and is essential for long-term business success. In this blog post, we’ll explore what brand awareness is, why it’s so important, and strategies you can use to ensure your brand stays top of mind.

What is Brand Awareness?

Brand awareness represents the level of familiarity consumers have with a brand, its products, or services. While it might seem more important for B2C companies, it’s equally vital for B2B. You want your brand to stand out positively, regardless of your business size or industry. This is particularly crucial in B2B, where your audience is often well-informed and discerning, able to see through inauthentic content and superficial tactics. Building strong brand awareness is invaluable, and while it can be harder to measure than other metrics, it remains a key indicator of your brand’s success. The benefits of effectively establishing brand awareness include:

  • Building Trust & Loyalty: Clients are more likely to work with a brand that they recognize and associate with positive attributes, reducing the perceived risk in their decision to convert into a customer. When consumers are aware of your brand and have positive experiences with it, they are more likely to become loyal customers. Brand awareness fosters an emotional connection, which can lead to repeat business and advocacy. This is especially true for small businesses.
  • Reaching New Audiences: As your brand builds trust and loyalty, customers are much more likely to recommend you to others, interact with your business online (tagging, commenting, reposting, etc.), or offering positive reviews and testimonials, which in turn, attract new potential customers. A strong brand is more likely to be talked about, recommended, and shared by customers, and the best part is that it’s free. This organic promotion is invaluable for reaching new audiences without direct advertising costs.
  • Growing Conversions: A strong brand with a positive online presence is more likely to convert users. Brands that have poor quality websites and lack of web presence are more likely to have high bounce rates. Potential customers look at them and immediately go somewhere else. You want users to stick around and see what you’re all about, and convert them into a customer.
  • Standing Out from the Competition: When you have a strong brand, you stand out from the crowd. There are so many brands out there, and many of them don’t do a good job of building brand awareness. Even though they offer quality products or services, they won’t reach their full potential because customers will pass them by for a business that provides them with the experience they are looking for.

Brand awareness is a critical factor in the success of any business, whether B2C or B2B. It not only builds trust and loyalty among your clients but also helps you reach new audiences through organic promotion. A strong brand presence encourages conversions by keeping potential customers engaged, and it sets you apart from competitors who may not be as effective in building their own brand recognition.

7 Ways You Can Increase Your Brand Awareness

At this point, you’re probably thinking “this all sounds great, but how is it actually accomplished?”. There are a multitude of practices and strategies that you can implement to increase your brand awareness, and there isn’t a “one size fits all” solution that will work for every business. Building brand awareness requires thorough research, strategy development, and creativity. Below are seven different strategies that are used in creating an individualized brand awareness campaign:

  1. Social Media: With 85% of consumers using social media to research new brands 1, it’s more likely than not that potential customers are examining your social media content to decide whether they want to do business with you. Posting authentic, on-brand content across multiple platforms is essential for any brand awareness campaign. This approach requires a long-term commitment, as consistency is key to achieving results.
  2. SEO Content Marketing: Authenticity is crucial, with 88% of consumers citing it as a major factor in deciding which brands they support 2, and 52% of B2B buyers being more likely to purchase after reading a brand’s content 3. It’s not about churning out massive amounts of content—quality over quantity is paramount. Your content must be targeted, relevant, and genuine. The phrase “content is king” is widely used in marketing, emphasizing that users, and search engines, favor content that feels real and not spammy or robotic.
  3. Reviews & Testimonials: Gathering customer feedback is essential to any brand awareness strategy. Potential customers want assurance about your product or service quality, customer service, and reliability. Incorporating reviews and testimonials into your website, social media, and Google Business listing boosts credibility, fosters trust, and can drive word-of-mouth traffic.
  4. Backlink Profile: Backlinks, though often not discussed outside of the marketing and SEO world, are critical for building brand awareness and driving traffic. A backlink profile consists of all the links pointing to your website, and is ranked based on quality, quantity, and anchors. High-quality backlinks increase your website’s authority and search engine rankings, much like how sales reps prioritize high-quality leads for better outcomes. There are many ways to build a strong backlink profile, such as connecting with industry relevant sites, getting local listings, or having content shared by users.
  5. PPC Campaigns: PPC, or “pay per click,” campaigns are not limited to Google—they can be run on all social media platforms and offer a quick way to reach your target audience. Ads should be relevant, authentic, and include high-quality titles, descriptions, and images to avoid appearing spammy. While PPC campaigns are effective in getting your brand in front of the appropriate audience, it’s important to remember that their impact ends once the ads stop running, so they should be part of a broader marketing strategy.
  6. Offline Marketing: Don’t overlook offline marketing; physical deliverables and branded merchandise hold significant value. Customers appreciate tangible items like high-quality brochures, fliers, and branded packaging, which can distinguish your business in a digital-heavy world. Participation in community events, trade shows, or hosting your own events adds a personal touch and positively impacts how your brand is perceived. Customers want to connect with the people behind the brand.
  7. Website Design: All of the marketing research and data that is gathered by the marketing expert should directly help inform design decisions to create a website that works with the brand awareness strategy. Color schemes, fonts, layouts, and other aspects of the design should work in conjunction with and enhance your other marketing efforts. By working together, the marketing expert and designer will be able to craft a seamless strategy that will be evident throughout your website and enforce who you are as a brand.

Key Takeaways

Building brand awareness is a multifaceted process that requires a strategic blend of tactics, and is a team effort between marketing and design. Whether through engaging social media content, authentic SEO-driven articles, customer testimonials, a robust backlink profile, PPC campaigns, offline marketing, or web design, each element plays a role in shaping a credible, trustworthy brand that attracts new customers and stands out from the competition. Remember, brand awareness is not achieved overnight, and you don’t have to try and tackle all of this at once. It’s a long-term investment that—when done right—can set the foundation for sustained growth and success in an increasingly competitive market.

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1. Tint
2. Nosto
3. Marketing Charts

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About the Author

McKell Michaelson is a Digital Marketing Specialist at Zykin Design dedicated to driving business growth, maximizing ROI, and increasing brand visibility through strategic and thorough online marketing campaigns.

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